Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Star Chaser

I know what you do
Being a star chaser
Going out at night
Watching the skies

Watching those skies

How deep can you look

Trying to end up
At the other end of the universe

Suddenly it feels
Like somebody is rocking
The planet you're on
It's also up in the air

I have done this

Since I was a kid
Small you were
And the sky so awfully big

There is a world
Beyond the stars
I have heard about it
And it is just next door

I was born
A star chaser
I am the boy
Next door

© Ad Vulto. 2016. All rights reserved


  1. Sé que eres ese niño y lo que nunca había escuchado ni pensado es esto que dice: Hay un mundo
    Más allá de las estrellas
    He oído hablar de él
    Y es justo al lado

    Mi respeto por esto.

    1. Next door, around the corner, it's just closer than most people believe. In fact, it is in all of us. Thanks for your comment. Ad.
